Glendale Nissan Official Blog
What Is The Easy-Fill Tire Alert System by Nissan?
By Product Expert | Posted in FAQs, Features & Technology, Tips & Tricks on Monday, March 7th, 2022 at 11:32 am
Nissan Easy-Fill Tire Alert System
Filling your car tires with air should be done carefully to avoid premature deflation. Unforeseen accidents do not necessarily have to happen. Tire inflation is one of the elements to consider, as it can lead to terrifying situations if it goes awry. Do not endanger your safety or your cash by underinflating your tires. Glendale Nissan in Glendale Heights, IL, has the greatest Nissan automobiles and services. Let’s take a closer look at how the Nissan easy-fill tire alert system works.
Driving adequately inflated tires is safer and less stressful. This holiday season, drivers will find it easier to get on the road without spending more money on gas and air. Vehicle collisions are on the rise, with over 11,000 occurring each year, resulting in more than 600 deaths. However, precautions are necessary to prevent stomach-churning situations.
According to research undertaken by numerous departments and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the impact of these incidents can be significantly decreased if the tires are correctly inflated. Nissan provides the most advanced technology for achieving the appropriate pressure in a matter of minutes. It manages to do the task in half the time of a standard tire gauge. According to current costs, proper tire inflation can save you at least 11 cents per gallon.
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How Does This System Work?
Engaging the parking brake and switch to automatic transmission mode when you park the vehicle in a safe spot. The ignition should then be left on while the engine is turned off. When the air starts to fill the tire, the external lights flash. It now indicates that the Easy-Fill Tire Alert monitors the change in air pressure. The vehicle’s horn will sound when a predetermined tire pressure level is attained. When the tire becomes over-inflated, the hazard indicators flash three times, and the horn sounds once more. You must release some air if this indicator sets off.
Where Can I Get This Easy-Fill Tire Alert?
The Nissan Easy-Fill Alert feature is now available on the Pathfinder, Altima, Versa, Rogue, Maxima, Sentra, and seven additional Nissan models. Glendale Nissan in Glendale Heights, IL, has the best offers on these vehicles. Make an appointment for a test drive with us today!