Glendale Nissan Official Blog
2024 Nissan Dashboard Warning Lights and Meanings
By Product Expert | Posted in Nissan Altima, Service & Sales, Tips & Tricks on Thursday, April 4th, 2024 at 8:16 pm
If you ever feel like you’re playing a game of Pictionary with your car, trying to decipher what the foreign symbol that suddenly appeared on the dashboard means, you’re not alone. It’s common for drivers to see a symbol light up and be unsure of what exactly their Nissan car is trying to tell them.
Rather than guessing what the warning light on your Nissan car’s dashboard means, ignoring it, or assuming the worst, don’t bother rifling through your Owner’s Manual, because Glendale Nissan has all of the information right here.
The chart below displays the warning light symbol and tells what is being indicated. In many Nissan Owner’s Manuals, this chart can be found on page 10. You can check out this chart, then refer to the page within your Nissan Owner’s Manual to find further information on what to do when you see these warning lights.

Some symbols will be more serious than others, but there may be some things you may feel perfectly confident with fixing. For problems that you need help with, stop into Glendale Nissan today or schedule an appointment at our Nissan Service Center to get you back on the road in no time.